My Ambitious Writing Plans

Jess Go Write
3 min readJun 19, 2020
Image via Pexels

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to talk about my writing plans for the next two months. Are they crazy? Yes. Are they doable? I certainly hope so. I think I’ll be able to make all it work before I have to go back to school in the fall but I’m excited to talk about them so let’s get into it!

Currently I’m not working because of COVID, but I’m planning on utilizing this time I have to completely throw myself into writing! I am currently working on the second book of my YA fantasy trilogy. I’ve been working on it since March and I’m getting to the point where I’m almost done with the first draft. For the rest of this week my plan is to write 3,000 words a day, which is about 12 pages. If I’m able to keep this up for the next 5 days this should get my first draft to the 70,000 word mark.

Why the rush? Well there is another Camp NaNo happening in July. My plan for this is to start a whole new project. I’ve been sitting on a Middle Grade novel idea since January and I think I need a bit of a break from the trilogy I’m working on. My goal for the this camp is 50,000 words which is about 200 pages in a month which is the same as the goal for November. Since I need to write so much for July, I need to get the rest of this current draft in the next few days so that way I’ve got a little bit of a break before jumping into the next project.

I’m not sure if this is going to work. It’s a lot of pages and a lot of words. But I think it might be doable. If I’m able to get this done it will mean that I finished 3 rough drafts in the year of 2020. This will be amazing if I’m able to get it all done. So what’s the point of doing all this? I want to do this is to see if I can. I would love to someday make a living off of selling my books. I don’t know if this is doable in the current publishing industry but I would certainly like to try.

I, quite frankly, don’t know if I’ll be able to pull these things off. I know it’s a lot and the more I write about it the crazier I feel. But I want to try and I think there’s a part of me that wants to do this to prove to myself that I can be a writer.

I’m not planning on publishing these books anytime soon, even if I do get them all of the rough drafts done in the time frame I want to. These books I’m working on have a long way to go before they are ready for anyone else to read them. This doesn’t mean that it won’t still be a huge accomplishment for me achieve. I’ve got a long way to go in my writing journey but I feel like I’ve already come a long way. I hope it isn’t weird to say this but I’m proud of the work that I’ve put into these books.

All this to say, I will keep you all posted! I don’t know if anyone else cares about this kind of post, but I always think it’s interesting to see the goals that other writers make for themselves.

I’d be curious to know, what’s the craziest goal you’ve ever set for yourself and were you successful? I’m asking for a friend.

I hope you found this at least somewhat interesting and I will see you in the next one! Thanks for reading!



Jess Go Write

Thoughts on all things writing and books! There may be some short stories and other random thoughts as well.